Recently, in neuro-cybernetics become particularly relevant developments of various types of «neurointerfaces» between brain and computer (e.g. look into [1, 2]).
In many studies of the author, exploring this theme, repeatedly mentioned mathematical methods by which to solve the main task associated with the creation of such «neurointerface» [3-7]. The author points out the problem in the presentation of the model (in time – in terms of «passing function», or its equivalent in frequency domain «transmitting functions») of nerve cell (neuron) connecting the input of the neuron with output similar to the classic cybernetic method of the «black box» by downloading the input and the output signals of this «box». Since the founder of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, this task is considered to be non-trivial, or more precisely – «reverse, incorrect mathematical task».
According to the concept of the author, the «settleretics» as an interdisciplinary science for the continuous and regular «settlement» (i.e. transfer of information content) of the mind and personality of the aging brain in spare brain (young body’s brain – bio-clone or artificial neuro-cybernetic brain of a cyborg), in order to achieve practical immortality, sets as its first task to find appropriate methods for capture of this information (so called «uploading»). (The task of the second tier, which is expressed in the information to be recorded in natural or artificial media (so called «downloading») according to assumption of the settleretics itself will be carried to the first quarter – to the middle of the XXI century i.e. at the time of creation, because of the development of scientific and technical progress, of the powerful and reliable optoneurosupercomputer systems.)
In the present study, considering the relevance of the transition from the conceptual formulation of objectives and tasks, subject and methods of settleretics to develop practical «neurointerface», the author proposes to make use of «functional lines and nuclei of Wiener-Voltaire» (e.g., look into [8-12]). This mathematical method is characterized by versatility and fast convergence, and shows its practical effectiveness in neuro modeling. Unfortunately, at the time of its creators (Wiener/Винер and Voltaire/Волтер), computing is not as productive and powerful as today. And pseudorandom generators of «white noise», applied to the input of the «black box» mixed with the researched signal, which is an essential part of this method, in those distant times were neither as «white box» or as «truly random» such as, for example, recently created quantum-mechanical generators [13].
The author believes that the mathematical method he presents will show its adequacy in neurophysiological experiments on animals. In future, its application will need to expand in order to conduct a noninvasive monitoring of a neuro processes in humans. Till now all known types of tomography (X-ray, ultrasound, thermal, magnetic resonance, positron emission, etc.) do not have sufficient resolution capability or receive this resolution from the static and dead stuffed cell or solve inverse tasks, restoring output information by diffraction pattern, but losing in parts of information. The abuzz signal, which is downloading noninvasively using the electroencephalogram (EEG), is comparable with the famous «average temperature of the patient to the hospital». On the other hand, it would be very problematic to insert a metal or glass electrode in each of the fifty billion nerve cells of the human brain. According to «the theory of inventive problem solving» of G. S. Altshuller (TRIZ), this contradiction can be solved by inserting a small enough (with micro- and nano-scale) sensors–«spies» in the membranes of all bodies of neurons inside (i.e. naturally through blood flow). These sensors–«spies» have to be attached to the membranes of the bodies of nerves cells and sent optical or radio signals outside the skull (or to respond to it, modulating the external carrier frequency), tracking throughout the whole day all changes in the electrical and chemical transformations of activity of the nerve cell. Such sensor–«spy» has not been invented yet, but today already there are prototypes that can be work on. For this reason, the creation of a mathematical model of a system of sensors–«spies» based on functional lines and nuclei of Wiener-Voltaire is both necessary and timely.
In the present work the author demonstrates the relevance and adequacy of his projected mathematical method for solving one of the main tasks of settleretics.
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